Here is everything you’ll receive:
1. Four LIVE Implementation Sessions each month led by Richard Taubinger, Kylie Slavik, and Sarah Kreuz
2. Two Core Onboarding and Training Modules
3. Downloadable Implementation Worksheets
4. Access to the Private Facebook Group
5. Private Membership Portal
PLUS the Following Bonuses:
BONUS 1: Video Shorts Summit
BONUS 2: Command Attention with Compelling Hooks Trainings
BONUS 3: The 21 Myths & Beliefs of Marketing: A 7-Session Training to Uplevel Your Ability to Show up Online, Share Your Work, and Step into Your Power as a Divine Creator
BONUS 4: The Breakthrough Marketing Plan: An Special Online Training to Create a Plan to Build your Audience, Grow Your List, and Attract New Clients without Stress & Struggle
BONUS 5: Conscious Marketer 3-Day Intensive (Yearly Members Only)
BONUS 6: $500 off The Conscious Launch Accelerator Program (Yearly Members Only. Discount valid for one year.)