Soul Syndicate

Soul Syndicate Yearly Subscription

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This is a yearly payment plan and you will be charged automatically, every year on the card you've provided.
If you need to update your card on file, please reach out to


Here is everything you’ll receive:

1. Four LIVE Implementation Sessions each month led by Richard Taubinger, Kylie Slavik, and Sarah Kreuz

2. Two Core Onboarding and Training Modules

3. Downloadable Implementation Worksheets

4. Access to the Private Facebook Group

5. Private Membership Portal

PLUS the Following Bonuses:

BONUS 1: Video Shorts Summit

BONUS 2: Command Attention with Compelling Hooks Trainings

BONUS 3: The 21 Myths & Beliefs of Marketing: A 7-Session Training to Uplevel Your Ability to Show up Online, Share Your Work, and Step into Your Power as a Divine Creator

BONUS 4: The Breakthrough Marketing Plan: An Special Online Training to Create a Plan to Build your Audience, Grow Your List, and Attract New Clients without Stress & Struggle

BONUS 5: Conscious Marketer 3-Day Intensive (Yearly Members Only)

BONUS 6: $500 off The Conscious Launch Accelerator Program (Yearly Members Only. Discount valid for one year.)

“Richard and Kylie are ace marketers not only because they have an amazing track record but because they actually have a moral compass.”

- Lydia Greene, psychologist

"I find Richard Taubinger nothing short of genius. Since we started working together, my online business has grown exponentially. He is dedicated, sincere, endlessly creative, and very very sharp. Finding Richard counts as one of the great investments of my career."

- Terry Real, therapist & bestselling author

"You know when you find that right person who overdelivers in value on everything you could possibly think of? This shout-out won’t give it justice but I just wanted to let you all know that working with Kylie has been one of the best investments in my business because this woman is a genius. Implementing her advice got my ad cost down 3 times, and people are still sending us great feedback on the story that we have crafted with Kylie. I finally feel like I connect with my clients emotionally."

- Daria Zest, business success coach for women

Refund Policy
The Soul Syndicate has a no-refund policy because of the massive value we’ve put inside the program. If you choose the monthly payment plan you may cancel at any time, there is no long-term contract. There are no partial refunds for those that choose the yearly plan.

The Syndicate is a powerful activator for those ready to serve others, ready to do the work each week, and ready will to go all in. Please trust your inner guidance to know if this is right for you.

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